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2022-23 Volunteer Grant EOIs Open

Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, has called on community organisations in Capricornia to submit their expressions of interest (EOIs) for the Australian Government’s 2022-23 Volunteers Grants.

These grants recognise the vital role that volunteers have within our community and support the positive difference they make on the ground.
“This additional funding will go a long way in helping local organisations and their volunteers to continue their crucial work in supporting the vulnerable and strengthening our community,” Ms Landry said.

“Volunteering acts as an effective pathway to employment, fosters community participation and breaks down the barriers of marginalisation.

“The 2022-23 Volunteer Grants provides organisations with grants of $1,000 to $5,000 to assist with purchasing equipment, training, cover fuel costs, as well as background screening checks for their volunteers.”

EOIs will be accepted until 5.00pm, Friday 23 September. For EOI application form and guidelines, please contact Michelle Landry’s office via Michelle.Landry.MP@aph.gov.au.

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