Central Queensland Loses in Budget
The Hon Michelle Landry MP Shadow Assistant Minister for Manufacturing Federal Member for Capricornia Colin Boyce MP Federal Member for Flynn Senator The Hon Matthew Canavan Senator for Queensland Central Queensland LNP Federal Members, Michelle Landry and Colin Boyce, and Senator Matthew Canavan, have slammed Labor’s Budget for the lack of investment in Central Queensland. […]
New taxes on Capricornia to hit every household
The Labor government’s Budget will introduce a new food tax on Australian families, right in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis. Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, said the new tax on farmers to pay for the biosecurity risk of international importers was senseless and would be passed on to consumers, which meant even higher […]
Landry: Capricornia Resources Propping Up Budget
Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, has called on Labor to not forget where the wealth of the nation is produced in the lead up to Budget being release tonight. Capricornia delivered $315 million in gross regional product through the resources sector, while also delivering $9 billion in royalties back into the Queensland Government’s coffers […]