Labor’s Turbo-Charged Renewables Plan Will Cripple The Regions And Drive Up The Cost-Of-Living.

Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, said Labor’s plan to underwrite a five-fold increase in new government-backed renewables across Australia will have profoundly damaging consequences in and continue to drive up the cost of everyone’s living. Michelle Landry said Energy Minister Chris Bowen’s panicked market intervention to achieve Labor’s 82 per cent renewables by 2030 […]

Construction of Coalition-Funded Rookwood Weir Concludes

After more than 10 years in the making, the construction of the $568.9 million Rookwood Weir draws to a close. The imminent completion of the weir marks a significant milestone poised to catalyse the growth and diversification of agriculture, bolster drought resilience, and address industrial and urban water requirements in the Gladstone, Capricorn Coast, and […]