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3G Switch Off Delayed

The planned shutdown of Telstra and Optus’ 3G networks has been pushed back to Monday, 28 October 2024 following widespread concerns about the significant number of devices that continue to depend on the 3G band. This decision comes after feedback from various sectors, highlighting the potential impact on businesses, emergency services, and individuals who have not yet transitioned to newer technologies.

Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry said the full impact of the planned shutdown wasn’t taken into consideration by the Minister for Communications.

“The Senate’s Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Reference Committee conducted a comprehensive investigation into the impact of this accelerated 3G phase-out, revealing that up to one million devices could be affected. 

“It’s not just mobile phones which rely on the 3G networks. Elevator emergency phones, Eftpos machines, medical alert devices, security systems and even farm equipment are just some of every day equipment used which rely on 3G.

“I urge anyone who is unsure if their device is reliant on 3G to contact their provider for assistance to upgrade,” Ms Landry said.

Assistance to identify if a mobile phone requires an update can be obtained by message ‘3’ to 3498. The sender will receive a reply with advice on whether they need to upgrade before Monday, 28 October 2024.

Recommendations from the Committee’s inquiry can be found here: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Rural_and_Regional_Affairs_and_Transport/3GNetworkShutdown/Interim_Report/List_of_recommendations


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