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Clarke Creek Wind Farm Euthanasia Clause Shocks Nation

Earlier this year, Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, exposed the shocking ‘Fauna Euthanasia’ clause hidden within one of Central Queensland’s largest wind farms Environmental Impact report which has now gone national.

Squadron Energy’s Clarke Creek Wind Farm, located 150km north of Rockhampton, published in their Environmental Impact report disturbing information which include the removal of 1500 hectares of Koala habitat and a detailed description on euthanising animals.

“I was horrified when I read the Clarke Creek Environmental Impact report. 203 animal species have been identified in the region where these wind farms are being constructed. It is prime habitat for Koalas, Greater Gliders and Squatter Pigeon. In this report, it states they will be demolishing 1500 hectares of Koala habitat and 17 hectares of Greater Glider and Squatter Pigeon habitat.

“This isn’t the worst of it, though. The report also goes on to provide a “Fauna Euthanasia” clause on how to kill a reptile or mammal located within the wind farm area through a short sharp blow to the base of the back of the skull with a blunt object. This is absolutely sickening.

“When will these renewable energy companies be forced to play by the same rules as other heavy industries? The Labor and Greens have turned a blind eye because it’s renewable energy,” Ms Landry said.

Information contained within this report was provided to national broadcaster, Ben Fordham, who spoke on his program about the atrocities occurring at Clarke Creek Wind Farm earlier this month. The 2GB presenter has 142,000 listeners tune in on any given day.

Local grazier, Glen Kelly, who is being impacted by another wind farm in Central Queensland said when they were researching Clarke Creek Wind Farm it was an unexpected find in the Environmental Impact report.

“When we found this clause, it was a complete shock. A horror. They [Labor and Greens Party] talk about looking after the environment and then to see that is barbaric.

“What is even more concerning is that this clause will transfer to any wind farm project, like the Lotus Creek Wind Farm just five to six kilometres from the Clarke Creek project.

“During the process of removing remnant vegetation, there is going to be dozens upon dozens of animals killed and maimed in this process. Yet, there is areas in the region where there is cleared land. Why is this not used instead of knocking down the habitat of our native animals? “There’s evidence of Koalas everywhere. You’d be surprised at the number of Koalas in our region. It’s taken the shock of having these renewable projects coming in to decimate these populations of native animals to really appreciate that they live in our own backyard,” Mr Kelly said.

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