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Deliver the Coal Royalties Windfall Back into Regional Queensland

Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry is calling on the Queensland Labor Government to deliver the massive coal royalties’ surplus back into the regions that generated it.

“The Queensland Labor Government is now in surplus for 2022-23 by an estimated $5.18 billon. I am calling on the State Government to invest that money straight back into infrastructure projects in the regions where the coal royalties originated from.

“We want to see vital regional projects such as the Moranbah Hospital, the Rockhampton Ring Road, upgrades to the Peak Downs Highway, the Phillips Creek Bridge upgrade, water projects like the Urannah Dam and schools to receive the funding they deserve.

“During the year I have visited lots of the local schools in Capricornia, and I can assure you they are begging for funding. A prominent state high school that I visited recently has not had an upgrade to their trades and workshop facility in over 60 years, that equates to the last upgrade before I was born.

“The coal royalties increase came as an unwelcome shock to the key stakeholders, coal, and mining companies in Central Queensland. Glencore one of the biggest coal companies, has revealed they are not proceeding with a $2 billion coal project in Queensland, which is partly due to the state’s royalty’s hike.

“The Queensland Labor Government are blowing their own trumpet about turning a billion-dollar deficit into a billion-dollar surplus. Surely, they can show some generosity and duty of care to the source of the resource’s windfall, which is regional Queensland,” Ms Landry said.

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