Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry has called on the Member for Keppel to stop spreading mistruths regarding the Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program.
This is following the Member for Keppel’s unfounded claims into the Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program.
“These rural fire brigades are on the frontline protecting our communities in times of bushfires and they shouldn’t be used as political pawns by the Member for Keppel,” Ms Landry said.
“The eligibility criteria of this program are no different to any other grants. Any assertion that Federal Government are attacking rural fire brigades is categorically false and disrespectful to the hardworking men and women who volunteer their time to keep our community safe.
“Organisations that are not incorporated cannot apply for government funding and most rural fire brigades aren’t incorporated. However, local councils or the Queensland Fire and Emergency Service (QFES) are incorporated, therefore, can sponsor rural fire brigades.
“I look forward to local councils and the QFES doing what they always do and continue supporting our rural fire brigades.
Ms Landry said the Morrison Government has a strong history of supporting community organisations such as rural fire brigades.
“The same criteria applied to the Stronger Communities Grants where two rural fire brigades were successful recipients. These recipients included the Maryvale and Netherdale Rural Fire Brigades.
“It seems that the Member for Keppel is attempting to draw attention away from her ongoing failures with Great Keppel Island.
“I call on the Member for Keppel to work proactively to support our community organisations and address the serious issues the region faces including hospital ramping and out of control youth crime.”