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Landry Condemns Labor’s New Drug Laws

Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, has called out the Labor State Government for announcing their intention to soften drug laws.

On Tuesday, the Queensland’s Police Minister made an announcement that Labor plan to expand the Police Drug Diversion Program. The proposal will extend the program to include all drug types, including hard drugs such as cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines and unlawful possession of prescription medication.

A three-strike rule will also be implemented for those found in possession of drugs.

The Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, was quick to call out the State Labor Government on these changes. 

“We have crime at an all time high across Rockhampton and the Capricorn Coast yet now the State Labor Government want to go soft on laws surrounding drug use.

“This is a ludicrous decision that will only continue to foster more fear amongst the community,” Ms Landry said.

The changes to the drug laws will be amongst the softest in Australia, with Victoria offering fewer chances before a conviction on possession and New South Wales definition of a small quantity being a quarter of that under the Queensland laws.

“We have crime at an all-time high in proportions that I have never seen before, yet the Labor Government are watering down laws and not focusing on what matters most to the community.

“Weakening laws does not send the right message when there are kids addicted to drugs, breaking into homes, cars and businesses and thumbing their nose at the justice system,” Ms Landry said.

In the latest Queensland Government figures, it showed there were 213 break ins recorded in Yeppoon last year. This is a rise of 39 per cent from the 2021 figures.

Meanwhile in Rockhampton, 150 crime offences have been reported to police in the past week alone.

Michelle Landry, Member for Capricornia, believes that a solution lies in both heavy penalties and drug diversion programs.

“It’s clear that taking a soft approach isn’t working. There must distinct lines drawn in the sand for those who want to take part in illegal activity.

“When we have the Member for Keppel more worried about Senator Canavan’s opinions on e-scooters, rather than the high crime rate, housing and hospital crisis and the issues causing this, the community won’t see any change in the near future,” Ms Landry said.

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