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Landry Delivers Funds to Upgrade Dangerous Allenstown Intersection

A dangerous intersection in Allenstown has been made safer after Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, helped secure over $900,000 for vital improvements.

Michelle Landry MP said she continues to lobby hard to ensure funding for road upgrades is returned to our region.

“Road crashes place major emotional and economic strains on all affected communities but particularly the families and friends of the victims.

“I am pleased that the $900,000 of Blackspot funding has been used to improve a notorious black spot in Allenstown by improving traffic flow and pedestrian safety.

“Throughout my term as the Member for Capricornia, I have secured Rockhampton Regional Council more than $13 million in funding through the Blackspot program,” Ms Landry said.

Other locations in the Rockhampton Regional Council area have also benefitted from Black Spot Road Safety funding and are either completed or under construction. These areas include:

  • Kent and Denison Street intersection
  • Derby and Denison Street intersection
  • Denham Street intersection at Murray, Kent and West Streets
  • East and Stanley Street intersection
  • Bolsover and Stanley Street intersection
  • Caroline and Davis Street intersection
  • Murray Street and Derby Street intersection

The Capricornia MP, Michelle Landry, said the benefit of the Blackspot program is lost on federal Labor, with $69 million stripped from the Black Spot Road Safety Program in 2022-23.

“Far too many families are losing loved ones on our roads, yet Labor is cutting critical road funding and failing to assist councils to make these safety improvements to local roads.

“It’s shameful for the Minister for Infrastructure to claim credit for road safety funding in a cynical attempt to distract from the rising fatalities on our roads throughout Labor’s term in office, particularly during Queensland Road Safety Week,” Ms Landry said.


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