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Landry Halts Federal Funding for Pumped Hydro Shambles

Michelle Landry MP has secured a win for those impacted by the Pioneer-Burdekin Pumped Hydro scheme by successfully halting federal government funding towards the devastating project.

The Member for Capricornia expressed her relief to see there was no funding for the scheme in the latest Budget.

“I have been a strong advocate against this ridiculous project since its inception. From the beginning there has been major flaws for the scheme, including enormous social impact that has been devastating to the community.

“The estimated cost of the project has already blown out by 50 per cent and it’s only in an investigation stage. In the state’s rush to reach their unrealistic renewable energy targets, they are willing to sacrifice precious wildlife habitat and destroy people’s lives. It was a no-brainer to fight back against the absurdity of the Pioneer-Burdekin Pumped Hydro project.”

Michelle Landry has been tirelessly advocating against the project, with numerous speeches made to Parliament, taking the Leader of The Nationals, Hon David Littleproud MP, to visit the location of the scheme and launching a successful Save Eungella campaign last year which garnered over 12,000 signatures.

“This isn’t the end of our push back against the decimation of Eungella and Netherdale. With the estimated cost now sitting at $18 billion, it is simply a bill taxpayers can’t afford,” Ms Landry said.

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