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Landry Questions Labor’s Go-Slow on $140 Million of Regional Communications Funding

Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry is calling on the Federal Labor Government to come clean after it has failed to confirm delivery of $140 million of investment in regional and remote communications.

Under Round 2 of the Coalition’s Regional Connectivity Program (RCP), $140 million was awarded to 93 communications infrastructure projects, which include 21 in Queensland.

The Department of Communications notified successful applicants of the grants in writing on 6 April 2022 and, following the federal election, even issued draft funding agreements. The grants were decisions of government taken well before the Federal Election.

Ms Landry said Minister Rowland’s failure to confirm the funding will potentially put these projects at risk, along with third party project funding committed by telecommunication companies and state governments.

“Labor’s go-slow on this funding just demonstrates how little regard they have for the necessity of communications funding to regional and remote communities.

“Labor declined to match the Coalition’s substantial commitment to regional communications before the election, and the Albanese Government must take the needs of the regional communities more seriously.

“The Department of Communications states on its website that ‘Following the outcome of the federal election, information on the successful Round 2 RCP projects will be published in the coming weeks.’ I ask the Minister, where is the information?” Ms Landry said.

Ms Landry also said the Department notified successful applicants of the grants in writing on 6 April 2022 and, following the election, even issued draft funding agreements.

“Minister Rowland must answer the question, why have you failed to confirm these grants, and when are you planning on finalising these agreements with the applicants?” Ms Landry said.

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