Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry has today called on the Queensland Labor Government to explain what is being done to address the current housing crisis that Central Queensland is facing.
This is following a record investment into social housing from the Federal Coalition Government.
“I have been inundated by constituents that are living in their cars, tents or sleeping on the couch at their family or friends place,” Ms Landry said.
“Although it’s a clearly defined state responsibility, the Federal Coalition Government has made huge investments in strengthening social and community housing. In fact, we’ve provided more funding for this sector than any previous federal government before us.
“This year under the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement, Queensland will receive $333.7 million – of which includes more than $300.1 million for social housing.
“The remaining $33.6 million is dedicated homelessness funding and must be matched by the Queensland Government.”
This year, the Federal Government expects to spend around $9 billion to improve housing outcomes across the nation, including $5.3 billion in Commonwealth Rent Assistance, and $1.6 billion under the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement.
“The Federal Government is providing our fair share to help state and territory governments to get on with the job to build more social housing,” Ms Landry said.
“Ultimately, the day-to-day delivery and construction of social housing in Queensland is the responsibility of the State Labor Government and questions need to be asked on what is being done to address the Central Queensland housing crisis.”