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LNP Representatives Back Regional Communities at State Conference

Federal and State representatives of the LNP have raised and moved motions backing regional and rural communities at the LNP State Conference over the weekend.

Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry, Federal Member for Dawson Andrew Willcox and Member for Burdekin Dale Last moved the following motions, backing rural health facilities in Moranbah:

• That this Convention of the LNP calls on a future LNP State Government to urgently bring forward the $54 million in funding allocated to construct a new hospital in Moranbah.
• That this Convention of the LNP calls on the State and Federal Government to urgently fund and undertake emergency repairs of the Bruce Highway between Gympie and Townsville and the Peak Downs Highway.

• That this Convention of the LNP calls on the State and Federal Government to deliver $18 million to upgrade Phillips Creek Bridge.
The trio is also concerned about the negative impact of Labor’s Reef Regulations on farmers.

Ms Landry said the LNP is the only party who understands regional communities.

“My colleagues, Andrew Willcox in the federal electorate of Dawson and Dale Last in the state seat of Burdekin, have joined with me in calling for urgent action to provide better health care and fix existing infrastructure in our electorates,” Ms Landry said.

“I’d like to invite some of the Brisbane based members in the Labor Party who are used to driving on the gilded roads in the southeast corner to travel on some of these roads out west in Capricornia and see how bad the road conditions really are.
“While coal royalties from our region pay for their way of life in Brisbane, they need to listen to what the communities in rural areas need,” Ms Landry said.
Federal Member for Dawson Andrew Willcox said the state and federal LNP and Liberal-National teams must continue to advocate for the agricultural sector, which is so important in the federal seats of Capricornia and Dawson, and the state seat of Burdekin.

“Telecommunications services, or the lack of, is another concern for our electorates, which is why we pushed motions through the state conference calling for action on these issues,” Mr Willcox said.

“The three of us understand the frustration of encountering yet another phone blackspot as we travel through our electorates.

“We know how hard it must be for business and industry leaders to develop new economic opportunities in our electorates when they cannot even have a proper phone call,” Mr Willcox said.

Mr Last said the motions were messages expressed loud and clear to both Governments.
“The message to people who live and work in regional Queensland, including the Isaac region, is a simple one. The LNP is 100% committed to the issues that matter to you.”
“The passing of these resolutions means that members of the LNP from right across the state support my calls, along with Michelle and Andrew, for regional Queenslanders to get their fair share. In contrast, Labor’s wars on resources and agriculture communities put lives at risk and any chance of growth for Queensland as a whole, at risk too,” Mr Last said.

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