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Made In Australia Bill is Missing in Action

Shadow Assistant Minister for Manufacturing and Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, has criticised Labor’s Future Made in Australia policy as devoid of detail and full of spin’ following the Bill’s introduction in Parliament this week.

Ms Landry addressed the glaringly obvious issues with Labor’s Future Made in Australia policy not addressing the key problems hitting manufacturers hard.

“Around 19,000 great Australian manufacturers have become insolvent since Labor took office. The reality is that this policy will not prevent more businesses from meeting the same demise.

“The Bill’s restrictive design, excessive red tape and lack of tangible benefits highlights a disconnect between the government’s promises and the harsh realities on the ground.

“I’ve met with countless manufacturers right across Australia and they’ve all reiterated the same message; they’re burdened by red tape, skilled worker shortages and high energy costs.

“The harsh reality is that this Bill does nothing to alleviate the immense pressure that manufacturers are facing due to the ongoing economic mismanagement by this government,” Ms Landry said.      

Local manufacturer, Jack Trenaman, voiced his concerns that this policy does nothing to equip businesses with the tools necessary to thrive and compete.

“I witness firsthand the devastating effects of rising electricity costs, fuel prices, and overwhelming red tape, which are driving his businesses into the ground.

“SMW is only one of three remaining mining truck tray manufacturers in Australia but it’s virtually impossible to compete with overseas manufacturers who can produce the same product for 30 to 40 per cent less.

“These policies are nothing short of a shackle on the industry’s productivity,” Mr Trenaman said.

Shadow Assistant Minister for Manufacturing, Michelle Landry, said Australia needs policies that return to the fundamentals.

“Our manufacturers need policies which set us back on the right path by curbing inflationary spending, reducing bureaucratic red tape, simplifying Labor’s complex industrial relations agenda, lowering taxes, and implementing a competition policy that truly gives small businesses a fair chance.”


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