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PM Backs Down on Fuel Tax Credit Cut

Hard working Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, received confirmation from the Prime Minister that Labor will not cut the Fuel Tax Credit (FTC) Scheme.  

During Question Time, Ms Landry asked the Prime Minister if he will rule out any change to the Fuel Tax Credit Scheme following a recommendation by the Grattan Institute to slash credits.

The Prime Minister ruled out any changes to the FTC with just one word – “yes”.

Ms Landry said this is a win for the farming, mining, fishing and trucking industries who rely on the FTC scheme.

“I’m pleased to see that common sense has prevailed.

“The National Party condemned any cuts and worked hard for these industries to ensure that they wouldn’t further suffer under a Labor Government.

Retaining the scheme is also a win for families struggling to make ends meet, Ms Landry said.

“Any slashes to this rebate would hurt the hip pockets of every Australian.

“The Nationals have gone into bat for businesses and families and have come out on top,” Ms Landry said.

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