Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry has called on the Member for Rockhampton to explain why she and the Federal Government were not approached before the release of the ‘Rocky 2030 white paper’.
These calls come after the Member for Rockhampton launched a 22-page white paper document.
“The Member or Rockhampton has claimed that I’ve been consulted but the fact is that I have heard nothing from him in relation to this paper,” Ms Landry said.
“I have been contacted by constituents concerned that there have been industries that have not been included in this white paper including the resources sector.
“The Member for Rockhampton talks about renewables in this paper but nothing about the resources sector which is a major part of the economy in Rockhampton.
“Community consultation will be vital in the development of Rockhampton and I’m concerned that residents, the business community and organisations have been bypassed.
“The Member for Rockhampton included defence in his white paper, but he needs to understand that it falls under the responsibility of the Federal Government and the Department of Defence, not the State Government.
“Rockhampton has a bright future ahead but I believe that the Member for Rockhampton needs to go back to the drawing board and properly consult with the community” Ms Landry said.