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Vietnam signs up to Australian Agriculture Visa program

Farmers and primary producers in Capricornia are a step closer to benefitting from the Liberal National Government’s Australian Agriculture Visa, with Vietnam signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Australia on 28 March 2022.

The Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia, David Littleproud has welcomed the formal agreement as Vietnam becomes the first country to participate in the Agricultural Visa.

“The Ag Visa has been an article of faith for The Nationals and despite efforts by the AWU and the Labor Party to sabotage the establishment of the Visa, we can soon welcome the next generation of migrants to regional Australia.” Minister Littleproud said.

“Vietnam’s participation shows the close strategic partnership we share. There are many workers from Vietnam already in Australian agriculture who are highly regarded for their work ethic and attention to detail.”

Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry said that this was another positive step in a program that would bring transformational change to the agriculture industry, and in turn to regional Australia.

“Australian farmers need certainty around their workforce – certainty that this visa, secured by The Nationals, provides,” said Ms Landry.

“The one questions that remains is whether a Labor Government would keep the Australian Agriculture Visa.

“It’s time for the Labor candidate for Capricornia to give producers in our region an answer, and it’s as simple as yes or no: will the Labor party keep the Ag Visa if it wins the election in May?”

The Australian Workers Union has been relentless in its opposition to the Ag Visa, with the Labor party yet to give an assurance that they will support the program and support farmers.

Under the Australian Agriculture Visa program, employees will be recruited to work across a range of agriculture sectors, including horticulture, dairy, wool, grains, fisheries and forestry, including support services and primary processing.

The Government is working with industry to bring the first cohort of workers into Australia as soon as possible.

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