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Volunteer Grants Closing Soon

Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, is urging community groups to seize the opportunity to apply for the Volunteer Grants 2024-25 round before the deadline on Friday, 16 January, at 5 pm AEST.

These grants, ranging from $1,000 to $5,000, are designed to provide vital support to volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to making our communities stronger and more connected.

The funding can be used for essential resources like laptops, tablets, electronic payment devices, training and equipment that enable volunteers to deliver critical programs and services.

“Our volunteers are the backbone of our society,” Ms Landry said.

“Their resilience and selflessness ensure our communities thrive and it’s only right that we support them in their invaluable work.”

This year’s Volunteer Grants focus on initiatives that enhance volunteer efforts while prioritising activities benefiting children under 18 years of age. These grants offer a unique opportunity for not-for-profit organisations to secure the resources needed to amplify their impact.

“Many organisations across Capricornia have already seen the benefits of these grants, whether through purchasing much-needed equipment or providing training to volunteers.

“This financial assistance is a lifeline, helping groups sustain their efforts and continue their incredible work for our community.”

Expressions of Interest are now open, and community groups are encouraged to act quickly. For further details or assistance, contact Michelle Landry MP’s office at 4922 6604 or via email at Michelle.Landry.MP@aph.gov.au.

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