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Wind Farm Projects Up for Review

Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, has secured a win for regional Queenslanders who are impacted by Labor’s rush to renewables.

Following an intensive campaign by Ms Landry and community groups against the devastation wind farm projects and the Pioneer-Burdekin Pumped Hydro Scheme will cause the environment, the Palaszczuk Government has backed down on their lax State Code 23 legislation.

Ms Landry said Labor’s unrelentless march to 82 per cent renewable energy by 2030 is a hard blow for regional Australians.

“The environmental damage that will be caused and the fact the renewable sector currently does not have to comply with any current regulations in Queensland including tree clearing guidelines, reef legislation or environmental protocols that have been imposed on every other industry is outrageous,” Ms Landry said.

The Moah Creek Wind Farm, located 30 kilometres west of the Rockhampton, will impact 654 hectares of remnant vegetation and is a haven for koalas, greater gliders, echidnas and ghost bats. 

“While graziers and cane farmers are required by law to adhere to strict reef regulation legislation and tree clearing laws, renewable energy companies have open slather to demolish areas of protected native vegetation and habitat to endangered animals. 

“I’ve been working hard with community groups, like the Kalapa and Wycarbah Local Action Committee, to push for legislative change. It’s simply not right that a renewable energy company doesn’t have to adhere to any strict legislation and can slap together turbines in some of the most pristine, untouched land in Queensland.

“From my visits to properties to be affected by these wind farms, I have pushed for the Queensland Government to undertake a review of the legislation framework for renewable energy projects,” Ms Landry said.

Issues which the Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, wanted addressed in State Code 23 include:

  • Ensuring these projects aren’t in areas of significant environmental and cultural value.
  • Greater protection of the Great Barrier Reef through companies adhere to reef legislation.
  • Acoustic levels must be in line with best practice management.
  • A more solid investigation into the impact of how the construction process will affect locals in the area, which include housing issues.
  • Establish requirements for rehabilitation.
  • Better planning of haulage routes to prevent road deterioration and dust pollution.

“We still have a long way to go to ensure these renewable energy companies don’t pillage our country because this Labor-Greens alliance is pushing a renewable agenda. That’s why community groups from right across Queensland are converging on Queensland Parliament on August 22 to rally against reckless renewables,” Ms Landry said.

The Rally Against Reckless Renewables will be held at Queensland Parliament in Brisbane on Tuesday, 22 August from midday.

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