

I love my electorate of Capricornia and all it has to offer. Since my election as the federal representative, I am proud to put on record that I have delivered historical investment of over $6 billion in funding for major infrastructure and key community projects into our region. ​

These projects have guaranteed the Central Queensland region continues to flourish and ensured that Capricornia goes from strength to strength. 

Every day I work hard to see Capricornia prosper through a diverse economy, where mining, agriculture and tourism creates wealth for our families and small business. 

Working alongside my community, I have supported our region to be one of the most liveable regions in the nation.

Rockhampton – Yeppoon Rd upgrade

$64 million

Rockhampton Yeppoon Rd upgrade

Emu Park Historical Museum – New uniforms, Defibrillator and Mower


Emu Park museum

Mercy Haven Aged Care – New Building

$18 million

Mercy Haven

New Riversleigh Crossing Bridge

$12.5 million

Riversleigh Crossing

Marian Ladies Bowls Club – New Mower


Marian Ladies Bowls Club

Riding for the Disabled – New Grandstand


Riding for the Disabled

Anglicare Rockhampton – New DV Shelter

$2.153 million


CQ Life Education – Upgrade Truck


CQ Life Education

South Rockhampton Rotary – Upgrade Club Equipment



Oasis Life Church Moranbah Basketball Court



Beef 2024

$6 million


Emu Park Water Reservoir

$2 million

Emu Park Water Reservoir

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