Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry and State LNP candidate for Rockhampton, Donna Kirkland have successfully fought for the Central Queensland community to have access to a PETCT scanner.
Earlier this year, Michelle Landry and Donna Kirkland brought to the community’s attention that despite a PETCT being on order, Queensland Health were sitting on their hands and delaying installation of the vital piece of health infrastructure.
Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry said she is thrilled to have won the fight to have the PETCT scanner brought to Rockhampton Hospital.
“I was appalled when I first learnt that there was a machine ready to be installed and Labor said that this was not a priority for our region. We took this to the media and with people power, we shamed the Labor Government into back tracking on their initial comments and committing the PETCT machine. More than 1800 CQ locals took a stand with me and signed my petition.
“While I am happy to hear they will commit to allowing the installation of the PETCT scanner, it still won’t be in Rockhampton for another three years. Their announcement that this won’t be up and running until 2027 is a disgrace. This is far too long for those who are seriously ill to be travelling to and from Bundaberg, Mackay and Brisbane. Why does it take Labor years to actually get infrastructure completed quickly?
“It took three years for just the tender to be awarded for the Yeppoon Dialysis unit, three years for just the design for the cardiac hybrid theatre to be awarded to a contractor, despite the Assistant Minister for Health pledging Rockhampton would have this theatre last election and we are still waiting on the mental health beds to materialise. None of these projects are up and running. I fear that this is going to be a smoke and mirrors announcement, so I will be holding them to account on this,” Michelle Landry said.
Hard working LNP candidate for Rockhampton, Donna Kirkland said she has been working proactively with cancer sufferers and visited the oncology unit numerous times to hear firsthand how having a PETCT scanner would improve their quality of life.
“I have seen these peoples struggles. They are heroes in my eyes as they go through one of the most traumatic events that someone could ever go through.
“Michelle and I joined forces and have held this current government accountable on their lack of action on providing the community the health infrastructure it so desperately needed. More than 1400 Central Queenslanders are diagnosed with cancer every year. It’s a high likelihood that the majority of these people will require a number of PETCT scans during their treatment.
“Not only is the PETCT scanner used in the monitoring of cancer treatment, but it’s also used in diagnosing heart and brain conditions as well. The number of people who have been forced to travel for so long is incomprehensible.
“However, we are still a long way from having the infrastructure up and running. Labor announced it won’t be until 2027 that CQ locals will have access to the scanner and their track record for delivering infrastructure in a timely manner is abysmal.
“Leading into the 2020 election, the Member for Keppel promised a dialysis unit for Yeppoon. After almost four years, the tender has only just been awarded for the construction. In 2018, the former Chief Executive of the CQHHS was spruiking that Rockhampton Hospital would have cardiac hybrid theatre. Now, six years later, it still isn’t operating, and the design tender has just been awarded.
“This Labor government is all announcement and no delivering,” Donna Kirkland said.