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Morrison Government puts $50 million on the table to fund local solutions to get Australians into jobs

The Hon Stuart Robert MP
Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business

The Hon Michelle Landry MP
Assistant Minister for Children and Families
Assistant Minister for Regional Tourism
Federal Member for Capricornia


Applications are now open through the Morrison Government’s $50 million National Priority Fund aimed at driving innovative projects to support local jobs.

Up to $1 million is available for initiatives that provide economic and social benefits to their broader community. The fund is flexible and is not simply allocated to each employment region, instead it can be utilised where it is most needed to support job creation initiatives.

It is part of the wider $213.5 million expansion of the Local Jobs Program announced in the 2021-22 Budget. Funding of $12.5 million per year will be made available through to 2025 to support Australia’s economic and social recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic at the community level.

Michelle Landry encourages organisations across Capricornia to consider applying for support through the fund so the local community can benefit from new ways to drive local job opportunities.

“If you’re an organisation with a great idea on how to tackle workforce challenges and drive ongoing economic recovery in our community, then I encourage you to apply and if you have any questions about this program, please contact my office.”

Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business, Stuart Robert, said the National Priority Fund, part of the Local Jobs Program, is a key part of the Morrison Government’s Economic Plan. 

“We know that local challenges need local solutions and the National Priority Fund will help communities address barriers to locals getting into work, as well as any skills and labour challenges that are putting the brakes on the local economy,” Minister Robert said.

The request for expressions of interest has been released through AusTender and invites interested parties to submit a proposal. Funding will be available for initiatives that end before 30 June 2025.

Applications close 3pm (AEST) on Monday, 16 August 2021. To submit an EOI, visit: https://www.tenders.gov.au/Atm/Show/c231ac95-ae75-4868-98bf-562f28d0d915

The Local Jobs Program was expanded and extended on 1 July 2021 to cover all 51 employment regions across Australia.

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