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Telstra CEO, Vicky Brady, has dismissed calls from Collinsville residents for better telecommunications, rejecting Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry’s urgent plea for upgrades to ensure the community has access to a reliable service.

In a letter to Michelle Landry MP, Telstra CEO said while she understood the concerns of the community, they are unable to improve services citing a lack of funding.

“I understand the critical need for reliable mobile coverage, especially in emergencies and for essential services. While we have plans to improve mobile performance in the Collinsville area, I regret to inform you that we currently do not have the necessary funding to implement these upgrades,” Vicky Brady said.

Strong advocate for the Collinsville community, Michelle Landry said she is appalled by the nonchalant response from the CEO.

“Telstra’s CEO has joined the Minister for Communications in turning a blind eye to the dire need for improved telecommunications in regional, rural, and remote areas.

“I wrote to the CEO after a recent visit to Collinsville, where locals voiced their frustration at a community meeting over the shocking service. In one case, a child’s life is at risk because people can’t even call for help. This would never be tolerated in the city, so why is it acceptable for rural residents?

“Labor brags about record spending on regional telecommunications, yet Telstra’s CEO claims they don’t have the funds for these critical upgrades. They are on two different pages.

“This fight is far from over. I will be contacting the Minister for Communications again, demanding that she find the funding she says exists and deliver the upgrades rather than fobbing off my constituents with suggestions to seek out a different service provider,” Ms. Landry said.


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