A virtual health tour hosted by Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry provided an opportunity to introduce local businesses and organisations to the Minister for Regional Health and Minister Assisting the Minister for Trade and Investment, Dr David Gillespie.
The series of video conferences included meetings with local health professionals, general practices, pharmacies, and advocacy groups.
Key topics of discussion involved the need for an increased medical workforce in the regions, health education and training, mental health services to combat the effects of COVID-19 and the importance of rural general practitioners.
Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry said the online event provided an opportunity for health providers to raise their concerns directly to Minister Gillespie.
“The virtual tour was a fantastic opportunity to get insight from a range of stakeholders across Capricornia, particularly in the Minister’s portfolio area of Regional Health.
“We heard from dedicated business owners and medical professionals who are delivering vaccines and supporting the most vulnerable in our community as well as general practices who are trying ways to attract and retain doctors throughout their area.
“A key issue across all industries we engaged with was workforce shortages including recruiting pharmacists, doctors and specialists to the region,” Ms Landry said.
Ms Landry thanked the stakeholders that zoomed in from Sarina, Rockhampton, Moranbah, and Clermont for sharing their stories.
“As part of the Federal Government, Minister Gillespie and I will work hard towards addressing the challenges that our regional health industry faces.
“I look forward to welcoming Minister Gillespie to the region in the future,” Ms Landry said.