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Community comes together to bring armoured cavalry to Rockhampton

MEMBER for Capricornia the Hon Michelle Landry MP, and Senator Matthew Canavan today joined with representatives from Rockhampton Regional Council, Livingstone Shire Council, Advance Rockhampton, Regional Development Australia Central and Western Queensland, Capricorn Enterprise, and Capricornia Chamber of Commerce as part of a working group to prepare a proposal to move the Enoggera Armoured Cavalry Unit to Rockhampton.

The meeting was the first of its kind bringing together local stakeholders to prepare a pitch to the Department of Defence to bring the armoured cavalry to Rockhampton. It currently costs $6 million a year to transport the unit from Enoggera to Rockhampton for training exercises every year.

“It was great to meet with stakeholders to discuss how the region can band together to potentially see a permanent military presence in the region, namely the relocation of armoured cavalry units from Brisbane to Central Queensland,” Ms Landry said

“We will be working very hard to put our best foot forward and prove the region’s suitability for a permanent military presence in the region.” 

The current push has come off the back of Senator Canavan asking questions relating to moving the cavalry unit to Rockhampton in Senate Estimates this year.

This questioning has provided the $6 million cost of transportation, as well as the fact that the Department is open to relocating the unit if the proposal stacks up.

“This morning’s meeting was a great meeting of Local Government, Federal Government, and Business and Community representatives all aimed to get a permanent full-time military presence in Central Queensland,” Senator Canavan said.

“We’ve currently got no permanent military presence here despite the training facility at Shoalwater Bay and Michelle and I would love to see some permanent presence in Central Queensland.

It is costing $6 million a year to transport the armoured cavalry from Brisbane to Rockhampton just to train up here, they should be parked here close to the training grounds.”

Rockhampton Regional Council and Livingstone Shire Council are currently working together to help develop a proposal to help bring the unit to Rockhampton.

Currently the unit is not used for training exercises at Enoggera and is only stored there between training exercises at Shoalwater Bay.

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