Cost-of-living continues to hit the hip pockets of Capricornians under an Albanese Government, with local businesses struggling to keep up with escalating operating costs.
Leader of the Opposition, Hon Peter Dutton MP, and Leader of the Nationals, Hon David Littleproud MP, joined Federal Member for Capricornia, Hon Michelle Landry MP, on a tour of a local farmers market to see firsthand the impact of living expenses.
Dominic Doblo Junior, Manager of Doblo’s Farmers Market, has noticed significant increases in production and transport costs.
“Everything is going up a little bit by a little bit. Even stuff that’s seasonally cheap is not as cheap this year as it was 12 months ago.
“Things have certainly ramped up in the last 12 months on products: pet food, eggs in particular. The ingredients that are used for those products are going up.
“The feedback from customers we are getting is on the price of eggs and pet food. People are used to paying a certain price. They’re just not happy that the new price isn’t as low as it once was. It’s at least 20 – 30 per cent higher for eggs,” Mr Doblo Jr said.
Peter Dutton, Leader of the Opposition, met with small businesses and locals to discuss increased pressures they are facing.
“I’m pleased to be back in Rockhampton visiting local businesses and speaking with people about the cost of living pressures facing everyday Australians.
“Michelle Landry continues to fight for jobs in her local community, and as I travel around Rockhampton, I see countless demonstrations that she puts her shoulder to the wheel to help struggling families and businesses.
“We were in Rockhampton late last year with Shadow Cabinet, and it’s why you’re seeing good policy come out of the Coalition now, because we’re mixing with people in communities right across the country; in cities, in regional areas, in remote areas, in the suburbs, in towns and everywhere in between.
“Australian families understand that their Prime Minister has the wrong priorities. He’s mixing too much with the elites and too little with working families and with small businesses.
It’s clear under this Government that families and small businesses are going backwards at a rate of knots,” Mr Dutton said.
Leader of The Nationals, David Littleproud, warned the situation was likely to get worse.
“Farmers simply cannot get the workers they need. Labor’s Pacific Island Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme is unworkable for agriculture because it will require farmers to offer a minimum of 30 hours per week, even though agricultural work is seasonal work and weather-dependent,” Mr Littleproud said.
“Labor does not understand the agriculture sector, while continuing to ignore the pleas from other Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), to send workers to Australia under the former Coalition Government’s Agriculture Visa.
“This week also marks once year since Labor’s Jobs and Skills Summit. Over the past 12 months, Consumer Price Index figures show food and non-alcoholic beverages have increased in price by 7.5 per cent, with bread and cereals up by 11.6 per cent and dairy by 15.2 per cent.
“When supply goes down, prices go up, which is why every time Australians go to the checkout, their bill should have Anthony Albanese’s face on it,” Mr Littleproud said.
Michelle Landry MP, Federal Member for Capricornia, said the lack of leadership and economic plan shown by this government is causing already struggling businesses and families to pay the highest prices in goods and services ever seen.
“Wage increases, electricity prices skyrocketing, raw materials becoming more expensive and transport costs on the rise every week is applying further pressure on businesses who are forced to pass the costs onto the consumer.
“What is one of the most concerning aspects for the cost-of-living crisis is the latest reports from Suicide Prevention Australia stating 46 per cent of Australians have reported feeling increased pressure as this crisis deepens.
“Australians are now living in the land of broken promises. Before the election, the Prime Minister and Treasurer made a slew of promises. Electricity bills will be cut by $275. Broken. Mortgages will be cheaper under a Labor Government. Broken. Your taxes won’t be increased. Broken. Life certainly is not easy under Albanese,” Ms Landry said.