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Greens release plan to destroy your job, town and future

The latest thought bubble from The Greens on how to destroy an industry vital to the country’s economy demonstrates their complete lack of understanding of basic economics as well as an appalling lack of respect for the men and women who work in the coal sector.

Minister for Resources and Water Keith Pitt questioned what reality the Greens were living in to propose a plan clearly conceived in Melbourne that will wipe out our resource regions.

“This fund is akin to hush money rather than a real plan for our resource communities” Minister Pitt said

“The Greens plan to shut down the sector which provides the nation with billions in export dollars and royalties which pay for our schools, hospitals and roads is reckless and dangerous.

“We know that the Greens are the tail that wags the Labor/Greens alliance dog and we know firsthand from Greens leader Adan Bandt that they’re “coming back to finish the job” of destroying the industry.”

“You can rest assured The Greens will be coming for gas and oil workers next.”

Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry said The Greens had no concept of the effects such a policy would have on the mining communities in Capricornia.

“Apart from taking away the jobs of coal workers, The Greens have given no consideration to all the other jobs that will be lost and businesses that will close because of these crazy plans.” Ms Landry said.

“There are the thousands of men and women who work in businesses that support the mining sector.

“There are the small businesses, the hospitality operators, the couriers and freight companies, the tourism sector who are all affected by plans like these.”

Minister Pitt also slammed The Greens for their complete disregard for the dignity of the work being undertaken by mine workers.

“Most appalling of all in this latest announcement from The Greens, is their disrespect for the people who work in the coal sector,” Mr Pitt said.

“We owe the men and women who work in resources a huge debt of thanks for their hard work and sacrifice in keeping the industry going and the dollars flowing when so much of our economy was put on ice.

“The only guarantee you have under a Labor/Greens alliance is that your job, town and future will be destroyed”.

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