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New grants to unlock community growth across the North

More than 45,000 northern Australian community organisations and small businesses can now apply for the expanded Northern Australian Business and Community Growth Program.

Eligible community organisations and small businesses can apply for grants of between $50,000 and $2 million to support business growth, improve liveability and create jobs in the north.

Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry is encouraging local businesses and community groups in Capricornia to apply for their share of funding.

“It’s a great opportunity for our local area to secure critical funding to upgrade vital infrastructure and fund important community services that benefit our community,” Ms Landry said.

Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia David Littleproud said the Northern Australia Business and Community Growth Program will allow eligible organisations to make their wish-list growth projects come to life.

“It takes a lot of guts to take the leap and put hard-earned funds into capital investments that will support new jobs, growth and opportunities,” Minister Littleproud said.

“We’re committed to supporting as many businesses and community groups as possible to take the opportunity to act and grow, by offering co-investment in activities that build on social and economic infrastructure and make the north a better place to live.

“By getting this funding flowing to local organisations to undertake projects, it will generate increased investment and employment opportunities, build business profitability and diversification and enhance community amenity and liveability.

“This means more jobs, stronger regional economies, and richer business opportunities for our north, which is a recipe for a more resilient and prosperous future. That’s exactly what this program is all about.”

The Special Envoy for Northern Australia, Townsville-based Senator Susan McDonald said grants of between $50,000 and $2 million will be available to support a range of activities including capital investment in infrastructure, assets and feasibility studies.

“I am proud to be part of a Government that is not only unwavering in our commitment to developing the north, but is doing so by investing in the very grassroots businesses and other organisations that work so hard to make it great,” Senator McDonald said.

“This is one of several key investments under the Government’s next five year plan, Our North, Our Future 2021–26, to deliver on the vision of a stronger and diversified northern Australian economy.”

The grant guidelines are available from 23 November, applications open from 6 December 2021, and the first assessment round closes 13 January 2022. Grants will be awarded from March 2022.

The Business Grants Hub will administer the program using a merit-based assessment process.

Further information, including eligibility guidelines, are available at https://business.gov.au/scale-up-and-diversify-your-business-in-northern-australia or by calling the Business Grants Hub at 13 28 46.

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