Sarina Landcare Catchment Management Association (SLCMA) has received $100,195 in multiple rounds of the Federal Government’s Communities Environment program to undertake important rehabilitation works and assessments in Capricornia.
Announced last year, the environmental projects undertaken by SLCMA include the rehabilitation of Louise Creek Reserve and Carmila Beach Reserve and assessments of the Tedlands Wetland Fishway. In May 2020, additional funding of $58,593 to undertake a further three important environmental projects in the Sarina region was announced.
Touring Sarina Community Native Gardens, Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry said the Communities Environment Program is providing much-needed funding to organisations to benefit the local environment
“The Communities Environment Program is investing in cleaner and greener communities and I’m happy to see it work right here in Sarina.
“The Federal Government has a long and successful history of working with local community groups to deliver clear and measurable benefits to our environment and our communities.
“I know Saskia and her team at Sarina Landcare Catchment Management Association are doing great work to manage, conserve and protect natural habitats, land, rivers, wetlands and coasts. I want to thank them for their tireless work,” Ms Landry said.
SLCMA Coordinator Saskia von Fahland said the important environmental work being undertaken by SLCMA, is carrying on during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
“COVID hasn’t put a stop to our work on these important projects.
“We will continue to assist the local community in understanding, managing and retaining its natural resources and unique biodiversity,” Ms Von Fahland said.
“We provide free property visits and land management advice to landholders, undertake on-ground rehabilitation projects; and engage youths and volunteers in educational and practical landcare activities.
Breakdown of funding for each project includes:
Organisation | Program | Total Amount | Project |
SLCMA | Communities Environment Program | $13,812.00 | Rehabilitation of Louisa Creek Reserve |
SLCMA | Communities Environment Program | $14,345.00 | Rehabilitation of Carmila Beach Reserve |
SLCMA | Communities Environment Program | $13,445.00 | Tedlands Wetland Fishway Assessment |
SLCMA | Communities Environment Program | $19,988.00 | Landholder Support for Streambank Rehabilitation |
SLCMA | Communities Environment Program | $18,675.00 | Friends of Sarina Community Native Garden Pilot Project |
SLCMA | Communities Environment Program | $19,930.00 | Sarina Inlet trail |
About the Communities Environment Program
The Australian Government will invest up to $22.65 million this financial year through the Communities Environment Program (CEP) to support a wide range of small-scale, on-ground projects that aim to conserve, protect and manage our environment.
The program seeks to support community groups—including those that may not be able to compete in larger and more competitive grant programs—to address local environmental priorities. The program also seeks to encourage the community to connect with their local natural environment and to build and strengthen local communities.
Eligible activities are defined in the program’s grant guidelines which are the basis for assessing eligibility. The following activities are provided as a guide to the types of projects that may be suitable for a grant under the program:
- monitoring local flora, fauna, water quality or marine debris
- supporting the recovery of threatened species and/or threatened ecological communities
- seed collection, propagation and planting of trees and understorey to control erosion and/or rehabilitate degraded natural habitats, riverbanks, wetlands and/or coasts
- improving or increasing the extent of suitable habitat, vegetation linkages and available food sources for native animals, including in urban areas
- reducing the impact of invasive weeds, pest animals, diseases and erosion on threatened species and natural habitats
- installing infrastructure (such as boardwalks) or fencing to manage access to sensitive natural habitats
- reducing the impact of waste and litter on natural habitats (e.g. litter clean-up events, marine debris collection or litter management infrastructure)
- workshops to increase community skills in monitoring, conserving, and/or protecting threatened species, ecological communities or other important environmental assets.