The Hon Nola Marino MP
Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories
Federal Member for Forrest
The Hon Michelle Landry MP
Assistant Minister for Children and Families
Assistant Minister for Northern Australia
The Australian Government commends the outstanding work of RDA Central and Western Queensland in supporting the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Led by Chair Mr Grant Cassidy OAM, RDA Central and Western Queensland’s engagement with their community, businesses and all levels of Government has been vital in identifying emerging issues throughout the crisis and opportunities for the recovery phase.
This work is important to managing impacts and ensuring communities and businesses are able to get back on their feet as quickly as possible. Key activities being undertaken by RDA Central and Western Queensland include:
• Collection and dissemination of data to various stakeholders regarding the impact of the pandemic on local businesses;
• Digital publication of regular updates and announcements about support measures being provided by all three levels of government;
• Working with individual businesses to help them determine their eligibility for government support and assist them in completing applications; and
• Participating in a number of stakeholder recovery groups, all of which are focussed on developing meaningful actions for the region’s recovery.
Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories Nola Marino said Regional Development Australia Committees (RDAs) have played and continue to play an important role in delivering sustainable infrastructure and services to their region.
“These Committees deliver important work in consulting with communities, promoting and participating in regional initiatives, and providing information and advice on their region to all levels of Government.
“I have been holding regular teleconferences with RDA representatives three times a week and these conversations provided first-hand insights into how local communities are coping, and the impact and effectiveness of Government response measures. This local intelligence is provided directly to Government ministers and agencies to inform policymaking.
“I want to thank the RDA Central and Western Queensland committee members and staff for their work in driving positive change in your local communities,” Assistant Minister Marino said.
Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry said RDAs are playing a crucial role in identifying tangible opportunities to boost the local economy’s in the post-COVID-19 recovery phase.
“The members of RDA Central and Western Queensland are tireless advocates for the region and their efforts do not go unnoticed by locals,” Ms Landry said.
Learn more about how RDA Central and Western Queensland is able to assist you, visit its website at
Further information about the RDA program is available at