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Senator Murray Watt Must Explain Position on Rocky Rail Yards

Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry has called upon Labor Senator Murray Watt to clarify his position on the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s election commitment to purchase land at the old Aurizon workshops in Rockhampton, given his history in assisting in its sell off in 2010.

Ms Landry’s calls come after last Thursday’s announcement the Palaszczuk Labor Government announced they had entered negotiations to purchase land at the old Aurizon workshops in Rockhampton.

Ms Landry said Senator Watt owes Central Queenslanders answers on his position and involvement in the decision to sell off the railyards in Rockhampton.

“This announcement is proof that the Labor Party treats Central Queenslanders with utter contempt.

“Senator Watt was then-Premier Bligh’s chief of staff and righthand man in 2008, a year before she announced plans to sell off QR.

“He has previously stated he does not recall being personally involved in the decision. This is a strange admission as he was Premier Bligh’s chief of staff. Was he off sick on the day they made the decision, or did he simply shut his ears when they discussed it around him?

“His previous statement is even more confusing when it is reported he seconded the motion in supporting the sale of assets at the 2009 Annual State Conference of the Australian Labor Party – Queensland Branch,” Ms Landry said.

“Senator Watt has serious questions to answer on his involvement in selling off rail assets in Rockhampton.

Ms Landry said there is still considerable uncertainty expressed by workers and small businesses in Rockhampton regarding the election commitment.

“Workers who worked at the rail yards and small businesses who relied on the rail yards to earn a living are once bitten and twice shy when it comes to Labor.

“No one knows how much the purchase of land is going to be, nor, a timeline of when it’s going happen,” Ms Landry said.

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