Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry says there were positive and constructive discussions held last night at a forum, organised by Capricorn Enterprise and the Capricornia Chamber of Commerce. The local community was able to engage with stakeholders in the progress of the Rockhampton Ring Road project.
Beneficial and helpful information was shared by the Queensland Director-General, Department for Transport and Main Roads, and the Queensland Deputy Secretary for Infrastructure, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, both of whom expressed their ongoing commitment to seeing the completion of the Rockhampton Ring Road.
Ms Landry said questions still needed to be answered about the Rocky Ring Road.
“Despite the optimistic discussion around progress and plans for the ring road that was held at last night’s forum, the question needs to be asked: Why did it take the pressure of public rally and businesspeople travelling to Canberra and Brisbane, away from their businesses, to get any movement on the Rockhampton Ring Road?” Ms Landry said.
Ms Landry’s comments came after the announcement by Labor that $12 million has been delivered to the project this month to start early works in surveying, shifting utilities along the route, demolition of some buildings, and fencing.
“The timing of this announcement is very political for Labor, given the immense pressure and public outcry that’s been made after it was announced the project was delayed.
“I call on the Member for Rockhampton, and the Member or Keppel, to explain what is happening to the remaining $988 million in funding? There is still a long way to go before the community can feel confident in any announcements made by Labor.
“Minister Bailey and our local Labor members also love to take credit for everyone’s hard work. The Rockhampton Yeppoon Road upgrade is 80 per cent funded by the Federal Government and its’s funding I fought for and had committed.
“The Coalition completed the Rockhampton Northern Access Upgrade with $155.2 million in federal funding, the Rockhampton to Gracemere Duplication with $59.99 million in federal funding, and Stage 2 of the Yeppen Bridge Project with $136 million in federal funding.
“The Coalition committed the funding to the Rockhampton Ring Road when in Government and Labor needs to deliver on it as they promised,” Ms Landry said.