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Wrong again Labor. No Federal Cuts to TAFE

Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry says she’s tired of Federal Labor Politicians coming to Central Queensland and talking down the economy.

Michelle Landry said “Just this week we’ve had the Leader of the Opposition, the fly-in fly-out Senator from the Gold Coast, and Richard Marles from Victoria coming to Central Queensland to talk down the economy.

This is the same Richard Marles I might add who had to issue an apology to the nation after the last election for saying ‘A collapse in coal would be a good thing.’

Richard Marles came to Rockhampton yesterday and mis-lead people about TAFE Funding so here are a few facts he might want to take back to Victoria:

  • There have been no Federal Government cuts to TAFE funding
  • Vocational education and training (VET) is a shared responsibility between the Commonwealth and State governments.
  • The Queensland Government is responsible for running its own state training system, including TAFE.
  • Every year, the Morrison Government provides around $1.6 billion under the National Agreement on Skills and Workforce Development (NASWD) to the states and territories. There has been no reduction to this funding from the Federal Government
  • It is entirely up to the Queensland Government to decide whether its NASWD funding goes to TAFE or other training providers.

Ms Landry said ‘Labor’s apprentice data is out of date. Here’s some more facts for Richard Marles to take back with him:

  • For the first three months of the Morrison Governments ‘Boosting Apprenticeships Commencements’ (Oct-Dec-2020) there was a notable increase in new apprenticeships across Capricornia:
  • In the December quarter 2020, there were 675 apprentice and trainee commencements in the electorate of Capricornia, an increased 143.8 per cent from 275 in the December quarter 2019.

“Federal Labor need to realise that despite their best efforts to make Capricornia miserable, things are going very well. No thanks to them.” Ms Landry said

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