Labor’s Bruce Funding Hits Potholes

Labor’s pledge to upgrade the Bruce Highway has already run off the road, with their Finance Minister contradicting the Prime Minister’s claim that funding will be delivered this year. Instead, the Finance Minister admitted the funding won’t be available until after the forward estimates, leaving Queenslanders waiting until 2028 for crucial upgrades. Federal Member for […]

Keppel Bay Sailing Club $20 Million Transformation

The Capricorn Coast’s iconic Keppel Bay Sailing Club is back, unveiling its stunning transformation into a world-class conference and entertainment hub on the Yeppoon beachfront. Thanks to a $20 million investment delivered by Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, the redevelopment delivered hundreds of jobs during construction and will now provide over 50 ongoing local […]

Labor’s Dirty Pumped-Hydro Secret

State Government Minister for Energy, Mick de Brenni, has announced Labor will keep their final investment decision for the contentious $12 billion Pioneer-Burdekin Pumped Hydro Scheme a secret until after this year’s October election. The Pioneer-Burdekin Pumped Hydro project was labelled as the ‘jewel in the crown’ of Labor’s renewable energy plan, despite the scheme […]

Youth Crime Committee Backflips On CQ Hearing

Following immense pressure from Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, and LNP Candidate for Rockhampton, Donna Kirkland, the State Government’s Youth Crime Crisis Committee has back flipped on their decision to not hold an inquiry in CQ and has announced a hearing in Rockhampton on 27 February 2024. Hard-working Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, […]

Landry’s Plans For Parliament 2024

Federal Parliament resumes sittings for 2024 this week and hard-working Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, is ready to continue her fight to ensure those in her electorate receive their fair share of the wealth they create for Australia. Ms Landry said a number of topics she will be taking to Canberra include effective cost-of-living […]

Labor’s NRF Fails: Surge In Australian Manufacturer Insolvencies

New data has revealed Labor’s key industrial policy, the $15 billion National Reconstruction Fund, is pushing the manufacturing sector to the brink of demise. In its official Australian Insolvency Statistics report released on January 10, 2024, ASIC has unveiled a concerning surge in manufacturing insolvencies under the present Labor government. The data compiled for the […]

Back To School Is Tougher Under Labor

Labor’s cost of living crisis is making it harder to send kids to school ready to learn. Australian families are scrambling to find money for uniforms, stationery and textbooks this January with the cost of education up 4.8 per cent since Labor was elected. On average, parents are spending $2,547 per primary school child per […]

Landry: Log Off And Shop Local This Christmas

As the holiday season approaches, Federal Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry, highlights the crucial role that supporting local businesses plays in fostering community resilience and economic prosperity. With Christmas just around the corner, Michelle Landry urges residents to prioritise shopping locally and championing small family businesses. Ms Landry is calling on locals to embrace the […]

Labor’s Turbo-Charged Renewables Plan Will Cripple The Regions And Drive Up The Cost-Of-Living.

Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, said Labor’s plan to underwrite a five-fold increase in new government-backed renewables across Australia will have profoundly damaging consequences in and continue to drive up the cost of everyone’s living. Michelle Landry said Energy Minister Chris Bowen’s panicked market intervention to achieve Labor’s 82 per cent renewables by 2030 […]

Construction of Coalition-Funded Rookwood Weir Concludes

After more than 10 years in the making, the construction of the $568.9 million Rookwood Weir draws to a close. The imminent completion of the weir marks a significant milestone poised to catalyse the growth and diversification of agriculture, bolster drought resilience, and address industrial and urban water requirements in the Gladstone, Capricorn Coast, and […]

Clarke Creek Wind Farm Euthanasia Clause Shocks Nation

Earlier this year, Federal Member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, exposed the shocking ‘Fauna Euthanasia’ clause hidden within one of Central Queensland’s largest wind farms Environmental Impact report which has now gone national. Squadron Energy’s Clarke Creek Wind Farm, located 150km north of Rockhampton, published in their Environmental Impact report disturbing information which include the removal […]

Landry opens Alliance Airlines Maintenance Hangar

Today is a great day for Central Queensland with the official opening of the Alliance Airlines Maintenance Hangar at Rockhampton Airport. When first elected as Federal Member for Capricornia it was clear there was enormous potential to make Rockhampton Airport the gateway to Capricornia. “This project has been on the books since 2018. I was […]